Planetary Intention Candles

Planetary Intention Candles


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7 day glass vigil candle
These candles are all Good for Protection From the corresponding planet's Retrogrades

*Mercury: the most frequent planet to go retro. also good for all communication workings.

*Venus: this candle can be used interchangeably with "The Morningstar" but has a slightly different energy as the focus is less on how it is seen in the night sky and more on how it is viewed solidly as a planet. Good for all love workings.

*Earth: Use for anytime you need to draw on the energy of Earth whether as the element, the planet, mother nature, the physical plane, manifestation in regards to the physical; finances and health.

*Mars: use for all emotional workings as Mars governs Heated Emotions, war and power, similarly can protect you from heightened emotions and other people's desire for battle!

*Jupiter: good for any workings relating to spirituality, wisdom, growth, intellect and so much more!

*Saturn: use in any workings relating to stability, structure and goals! can use in conjunction with any other Success items and for any intention!

*Uranus: use in any workings relating to our higher selves and the unseen.

*Neptune: Good for any workings relating to creativity, water, and the subconscious.

*Pluto: While technically a Dwarf Planet, Pluto still has a place in astrology and has an effect on our lives. Use for anytime you need to draw on the energy of this small icy planet.Use for workings relating to endings, rebirth, and relating to people and the wold around you!

*Planet X: this is a theoretical planet. mathematically it should be there, outside Pluto's orbit but thus far science cant prove or disprove the theory. Use this candle when you need to tap into your creative brain and come up with a new way to look at things. a great candle to help you come up with new ideas when you feel stuck and cant figure out what it is that needs to change. Similarly is a good study aid and can help with mental clarity, focus and motivation.